Exploring on the Internet Together

"Calculate Your Emissions" calculator (click to enlarge)
Teaching at a school in a low socio-economic status area, I feel it is especially important to be aware of the ethical and social issue that not all students will have access to the same levels of technology, if any at all. I make sure to be aware of this in my own classroom, knowing that many of my students do not have computers or internet in their homes. Therefore, when I taught my web-based lesson on global climate change, my students and I engaged in the interactive parts of the lesson together. Instead of assigning students to calculate their emissions at home, I decided to have students raise their hands and respond as a class to agree on our emissions as a class, as we entered the information on the visualizer together. This was a way that all students could be part of the interactive web-based learning during class time, where they do have exposure to a computer and the internet.