Above & Beyond:
MSA Spirit Week, MSA Pep Rally, "Annie", & the "Sock Hop" Book Log Event

Throughout the spring semester, there were many opportunities for me to go above and beyond my responsibilities as an intern, and I took them on willingly, with enthusiasm. During the week leading up to the MSA test, I participated in Spirit Week, including “Hats off to the MSA” (hat day), “Sneak up on MSA” (decorate your sneakers), Ties and T-Shirt day, and a MSA Pep Rally to end the week. In the pep rally, I participated in skits put on by teachers. I also helped out and attended the production of Annie Junior, put on by the 4th and 5th grade and Before & After Care program. I was happy to support my students as they performed as the choir in the show. Finally, I volunteered at the Book Log event celebration “Sock Hop.” I helped maintain the room as students followed along in different dances and dancing activities. Putting forth the extra time and effort to participate in these events not only allowed me to become even more involved, but brought me fun and enjoyable experiences spending time with my students.