5. Technology Integration

5a. Accesses, evaluates, and uses electronic resources efficiently and effectively
The teacher candidate  locates, analyzes, and adapts electronically accessed information  as resources for the planning and delivery of instruction.

5b. Uses a variety of electronic means to communicate information
The teacher candidate uses various technological methods (e.g., email, podcasts, digital scanning, streaming video, wikis, etc.) for professional communication and collaboration.

5c. Demonstrates an understanding of the legal, social and ethical issues related to technology use
Uses classroom procedures to manage an equitable, safe and healthy environment for students. Applies assistive technology to the instructional process and evaluate its impact on learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics and abilities.

5d. Uses technology to analyze problems and develop data-driven solutions for instructional improvement
The teacher candidate uses technology to record data (e.g., electronic gradebook, Blackberry) as a means of analyzing student performance over a lesson/unit and uses that data to share results and solutions with others.

 5e. Designs, implements and assesses learning experiences that incorporate the use of technology  in a curriculum-related instructional activity to support understanding, inquiry, problem solving, communication and/or collaboration
Selects and uses appropriate technology to support content-specific student learning outcomes. Manages a technology-enhanced environment to maximize student learning (e.g., Smart Boards).

 5f. Develops professional practices that support continual learning and professional growth in technology
The teacher candidate creates a professional development plan that includes the use of emerging technology to support student learning.