Communicating Progress:
100% Homework for the week and Detention Free

Section of the weekly parent letter that lists students who had 100% homework turned in on time and were detention-free for the past week (click to enlarge)
In each week's parent letter, I include a list of the students who turned in 100% of all homework assignments, on time, over the past week. I also include a list of the students who were detention-free and had fewer than 3 behavior warnings. I have found that parents of students in my class place great importance on seeing their child's name in this section of the letter. I have had concerned parents call me to inquire why their child's name is not in the letter when it is not. When this happens, I can look right to my records of the homework and behavior check-in. I have found this to be a clear, organized, and effective system of maintaining records and communicating progress.