Behavior Management Plan

"Staying on Task Superstar" individualized behavior management plan (click to enlarge)
This year I had experience managing a learning environment, while encouraging students' social interaction, active engagement in learning, and motivation. When I saw a student with a major off-task behavior issue that was taking away from his learning and achievement in school, I planned an intervention to address this behavior. The student I worked with had constant off-task behavior which included not following directions, causing disruptions during class time, and not completing work due to a lack of focus. The student is highly capable of learning and achieving, but his off-task behavior gets in the way of that. I designed a plan where the student would be provided with a list of goals to stay on task for each part of the day. When goals were met, the student would receive a sticker for that part of the day. If the student reached a certain number of stickers each week, he would get a special reward. The student, his parent, and I each signed a behavior contract agreeing to the plan and its conditions. I continued to work with this student to improve his responsibility and on-task behavior for the rest of the year.
Student's list of goals (click to enlarge)